Course program
Course program
Become a certified professional in management with famous teachers and experts from Google, Netflix, Starbucks, and other companies.
Executive Director course
Worldwide educational program
Brian Tracy is a Canadian-American motivational public speaker and self-development author. He is the author of over eighty books that have been translated into dozens of languages.
The World’s largest
online course for executives
Join 20,000 of the world’s brightest minds in business and management, discover and learn new methods of staying online. The all-in-one management course will put you on top with the leading managers and brands.
teachers from international companies and well-known brands.
countries are linked to our program.
students from all over the world have already joined the program.
Greetings from Brian Tracy
A world-renowned expert on leadership, motivation, success, and performance.
Lars Silberbauer
Steve Andersen
New England
Daniel Goleman
Robert Kegan
Las Vegas
Neil Patel
NP Digital
Howard Behar
Jessica Gioglio
Jack Canfield
Ken Schmidt
New Jersey
Meet your Teachers
Our teachers are recognized experts from international companies, and their sessions are a combination of learning and experience.
from the World's
Viable business
education for all managers worldwide
Quality of business education is highly dependent on the instructors and their expertise. Following extensive research, our team of qualified professionals identified the top 6 skills required for transformational, innovative and organizational growth and curated modules for business executives.
Digital Management
Corporate Development
Emotional Intelligence
Human Resources
Explore Modules
6 skills — 12 modules — 12 months of studying.

The course takes place on Saturdays, once a month, with an online worldwide broadcast. All classes are held live with the opportunity to ask your questions. If you miss a lesson, you can view its recording in your personal account.
8:00 - 12:00 (UTC -4)
New York, USA
13:00 - 17:00 (UTC +1)
London, UK
16:00 - 20:00 (UTC +4)
Dubai, UAE
20:00 - 00:00 (UTC +8)
Business in Uncertanty Times
Delve into strategies for adapting to unpredictable market dynamics, mitigating risks, and seizing opportunities amidst uncertainty. Explore resilience-building tactics, agile decision-making frameworks, and the significance of innovation during turbulent market landscapes. Engage with case studies showcasing successful strategies in uncertain times, empowering you to lead businesses with confidence and adaptability.
What you will learn from the module:
Throughout this module, participants will explore the complexities of operating businesses during uncertain times. Dive into risk management, scenario planning, and strategies for maintaining operational continuity in volatile markets. By the conclusion, you'll possess the knowledge and tools to navigate uncertain terrains, adapt business models, and lead organizations resiliently in dynamic environments.
Applied Business Studies lectures from Industry Leaders
Group work in a community of professionals
Live conference with top managers of world-known brands
What the module includes:
Module #1
February, 2024
Workshops by Brian Tracy and Gennady Polonsky
Free of charge if paid on [month] [day]
Workshops by Brian Tracy and Gennady Polonsky
Free of charge if paid on [month] [day]
Workshops by Brian Tracy and Gennady Polonsky -
Workshops by
Brian Tracy and Gennady Polonsky
Free of charge if paid on [month] [day]
Uncover the underlying psychological principles influencing consumer behavior, decision-making processes, and buying motivations. Dive into the art of persuasion, understanding buyer personas, and leveraging emotional triggers to drive sales success. Engage with case studies elucidating successful applications of sales psychology, empowering you to craft compelling sales strategies aligned with consumer psychology
What you will learn from the module:
Explore techniques for building rapport, effective communication, and overcoming objections by understanding the buyer's perspective. Additionally, dissect the role of emotions, cognitive biases, and ethical considerations in the sales process. By the conclusion, you'll possess the insights and strategies to apply psychology effectively in sales, enhancing sales techniques and achieving greater success in converting prospects to customers.
Applied Business Studies lectures from Industry Leaders
Group work in a community of professionals
Live conference with top managers of world-known brands
What the module includes:
Module #2
March, 2024
Workshops by Brian Tracy and Gennady Polonsky
Free of charge if paid on [month] [day]
Workshops by Brian Tracy and Gennady Polonsky
Free of charge if paid on [month] [day]
Workshops by Brian Tracy and Gennady Polonsky -
Free of charge if paid on [month] [day]
Workshops by
Brian Tracy and Gennady Polonsky -
Free of charge if paid on [month] [day]
Business Communication
Delve into the art of effective communication in professional settings, dissecting strategies for clear messaging, active listening, and impactful presentations. Explore the nuances of verbal and non-verbal communication, engage with case studies highlighting successful communication practices, empowering you to communicate effectively and build strong professional relationships.
What you will learn from the module:
You'll explore the fundamentals of business writing, persuasive communication techniques, and strategies for effective collaboration and negotiation. By the conclusion, you'll possess the skills and insights necessary to navigate diverse communication scenarios, fostering clarity and influence in professional interactions.
Applied Business Studies lectures from Industry Leaders
Group work in a community of professionals
Live conference with top managers of world-known brands
What the module includes:
Module #3
April, 2024
Workshops by Brian Tracy and Gennady Polonsky
Free of charge if paid on [month] [day]
Workshops by Brian Tracy and Gennady Polonsky
Free of charge if paid on [month] [day]
Workshops by Brian Tracy and Gennady Polonsky -
Free of charge if paid on [month] [day]
Workshops by
Brian Tracy and Gennady Polonsky - Free of charge if paid on [month] [day]
Management and Organizational Behavior
Embark on a comprehensive exploration of Management and Organizational Behavior, delving into the core principles shaping effective leadership and organizational dynamics. Explore leadership styles, motivational theories, and the impact of organizational culture on employee behavior and performance. Engage with case studies illustrating successful management practices, empowering you to navigate complex organizational structures and lead teams effectively.
What you will learn from the module:
Throughout this module, participants will immerse themselves in Management and Organizational Behavior. You'll explore leadership theories, team dynamics, decision-making processes, and strategies for fostering a positive organizational culture. By the conclusion, you'll possess a nuanced understanding of management principles and organizational behavior, equipped to lead teams and drive organizational success.
Applied Business Studies lectures from Industry Leaders
Group work in a community of professionals
Live conference with top managers of world-known brands
What the module includes:
Module #4
May, 2024
Workshops by Brian Tracy and Gennady Polonsky
Free of charge if paid on [month] [day]
Workshops by Brian Tracy and Gennady Polonsky
Free of charge if paid on [month] [day]
Workshops by Brian Tracy and Gennady Polonsky
Free of charge if paid on [month] [day]
Workshops by
Brian Tracy and Gennady Polonsky Free of charge if paid on [month] [day]
Uncover the methodologies for market segmentation, understanding consumer demographics, and psychographics to pinpoint your ideal customer base. Delve into competitor analysis techniques, dissecting strategies to evaluate competitor strengths, weaknesses, and market positioning. Engage with case studies illustrating successful target market identification and competitor analysis, empowering you to refine marketing strategies for optimal market penetration.
What you will learn from the module:
You'll learn the art of defining buyer personas, conducting market research, and leveraging data to identify lucrative market segments. Additionally, delve into competitor assessment methodologies, SWOT analysis, and competitive positioning strategies. By the conclusion, you'll possess the skills to effectively identify target markets and conduct comprehensive competitor analyses, enhancing strategic marketing initiatives for business success.
Applied Business Studies lectures from Industry Leaders
Group work in a community of professionals
Live conference with top managers of world-known brands
What the module includes:
Module #5
June, 2024
Workshops by Brian Tracy and Gennady Polonsky
Free of charge if paid on [month] [day]
Workshops by Brian Tracy and Gennady Polonsky
Free of charge if paid on [month] [day]
Workshops by Brian Tracy and Gennady Polonsky
Workshops by
Brian Tracy and Gennady Polonsky - Free of charge if paid on [month] [day]
Enter the realm of Finance with a focus on understanding cost determination and price setting strategies. Explore methodologies for calculating production, operational, and overhead costs, deciphering the true cost of goods sold. Delve into pricing strategies, analyzing market demand, value-based pricing, and competitive pricing benchmarks. Engage with case studies illustrating successful cost analysis and pricing strategies, empowering you to make informed financial decisions and optimize pricing structures.
What you will learn from the module:
Throughout this module, participants will navigate the critical aspects of determining costs and setting proper prices in Finance. You'll explore cost classification methods, cost-volume-profit analysis, and breakeven analysis to ascertain accurate cost structures. Additionally, delve into pricing methodologies, considering factors such as customer perception, value propositions, and competitive landscapes. By the conclusion, you'll possess the knowledge and tools to determine costs effectively and strategically set prices to maximize profitability and market competitiveness.
Applied Business Studies lectures from Industry Leaders
Group work in a community of professionals
Live conference with top managers of world-known brands
What the module includes:
Module #6
July, 2024
Workshops by Brian Tracy and Gennady Polonsky
Free of charge if paid on [month] [day]
Workshops by Brian Tracy and Gennady Polonsky
Free of charge if paid on [month] [day]
Workshops by Brian Tracy and Gennady Polonsky -
Free of charge if paid on [month] [day]
Workshops by
Brian Tracy and Gennady Polonsky - Free of charge if paid on [month] [day]
Operations Management
Explore topics such as supply chain management, process optimization, and quality control methodologies. Dive into inventory management, lean principles, and logistics, unraveling the keys to streamlining operations for enhanced productivity. Engage with case studies showcasing successful operational frameworks, empowering you to optimize business processes and drive organizational efficiency.
What you will learn from the module:
We will delve into operational strategies, performance measurement, and techniques for enhancing operational excellence. By the conclusion, you'll possess a comprehensive understanding of Operations Management, equipped to implement strategies that drive efficiency and maximize operational performance.
Applied Business Studies lectures from Industry Leaders
Group work in a community of professionals
Live conference with top managers of world-known brands
What the module includes:
Module #7
August, 2024
Workshops by Brian Tracy and Gennady Polonsky
Free of charge if paid on [month] [day]
Workshops by Brian Tracy and Gennady Polonsky
Free of charge if paid on [month] [day]
Workshops by Brian Tracy and Gennady Polonsky -
Workshops by
Brian Tracy and Gennady Polonsky - FREE OF CHARGE IF PAID BY DECEMBER 31ST
Strategic Management
Delve into the methodologies for defining, articulating, and aligning strategic goals with organizational visions. Explore the nuances of setting SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) goals, cascading objectives throughout the organizational hierarchy, and establishing key performance indicators (KPIs) for effective goal measurement. Engage with case studies exemplifying successful strategic goal-setting approaches, empowering you to craft and execute strategic plans that drive organizational success.
What you will learn from the module:
You'll explore the art of translating organizational visions into actionable strategic goals, creating a roadmap for long-term success. Dive into techniques for strategic alignment, performance tracking, and adapting goals to dynamic market landscapes. By the conclusion, you'll possess the expertise to craft and implement strategic goals that align with organizational objectives, fostering sustainable growth and competitive advantage.
Applied Business Studies lectures from Industry Leaders
Group work in a community of professionals
Live conference with top managers of world-known brands
What the module includes:
Module #8
September, 2024
Workshops by Brian Tracy and Gennady Polonsky
Free of charge if paid on [month] [day]
Workshops by Brian Tracy and Gennady Polonsky
Free of charge if paid on [month] [day]
Workshops by Brian Tracy and Gennady Polonsky
Workshops by
Brian Tracy and Gennady Polonsky - Free of charge if paid on [month] [day]
Management and Leadership
Learn about leadership strategies, team dynamics, and motivational techniques essential for cultivating high-performing teams. Explore the principles of effective team leadership, fostering collaboration, empowerment, and innovation within teams. Engage with case studies exemplifying successful team leadership approaches, empowering you to lead teams to peak performance and success.
What you will learn from the module:
The participants will explore team-building strategies, communication techniques, and motivational leadership styles aimed at maximizing team productivity and cohesion. Delve into the dynamics of leadership, fostering a culture of trust, accountability, and resilience within teams. By the conclusion, you'll possess the leadership prowess to nurture and lead winning teams, achieving organizational goals and driving sustainable success.
Applied Business Studies lectures from Industry Leaders
Group work in a community of professionals
Live conference with top managers of world-known brands
What the module includes:
Module #9
October, 2024
Workshops by Brian Tracy and Gennady Polonsky
Free of charge if paid on [month] [day]
Workshops by Brian Tracy and Gennady Polonsky
Free of charge if paid on [month] [day]
Workshops by Brian Tracy and Gennady Polonsky
Free of charge if paid on [month] [day]
Workshops by
Brian Tracy and Gennady Polonsky
Free of charge if paid on [month] [day]
Human Resourse Management
Explore recruitment methodologies, talent sourcing, and selection processes designed to identify and onboard top-tier talent. Additionally, unravel retention strategies, employee engagement tactics, and performance management techniques aimed at nurturing a motivated and committed workforce. Engage with case studies showcasing successful hiring and retention initiatives, empowering you to build and sustain a high-performing team.
What you will learn from the module:
You'll explore recruitment best practices, interviewing methodologies, and strategies for attracting top talent aligned with organizational values. Furthermore, delve into retention strategies, talent development, and fostering a positive workplace culture to retain exceptional employees. By the conclusion, you'll possess the expertise to effectively attract, onboard, and retain top talent, creating a thriving and engaged workforce essential for organizational success.
Applied Business Studies lectures from Industry Leaders
Group work in a community of professionals
Live conference with top managers of world-known brands
What the module includes:
Module #10
November, 2024
Workshops by Brian Tracy and Gennady Polonsky
Free of charge if paid on [month] [day]
Workshops by Brian Tracy and Gennady Polonsky
Free of charge if paid on [month] [day]
Workshops by Brian Tracy and Gennady Polonsky
Free of charge if paid on [month] [day]
Workshops by
Brian Tracy and Gennady Polonsky
Free of charge if paid on [month] [day]
Organizational Health
Uncover the foundational elements vital for organizational vitality, including effective communication, collaborative frameworks, and robust leadership development. Investigate team dynamics, talent alignment strategies, and the cultivation of an environment that fosters peak performance. Engage with case studies showcasing successful initiatives in fostering healthy organizational environments conducive to high-performing teams.
What you will learn from the module:
Examine strategies for team building, leadership enhancement, and the establishment of environments that nurture both team synergy and individual excellence. Additionally, explore talent alignment methodologies, performance evaluation frameworks, and leadership's pivotal role in fostering a culture of ongoing improvement. By the conclusion, you'll possess the knowledge and tools to construct and sustain peak performance teams, driving organizational success and advancement.
Applied Business Studies lectures from Industry Leaders
Group work in a community of professionals
Live conference with top managers of world-known brands
What the module includes:
Module #11
December, 2024
Workshops by Brian Tracy and Gennady Polonsky
Free of charge if paid on [month] [day]
Workshops by Brian Tracy and Gennady Polonsky
Free of charge if paid on [month] [day]
Workshops by Brian Tracy and Gennady Polonsky
Free of charge if paid on [month] [day]
Workshops by
Brian Tracy and Gennady Polonsky
Free of charge if paid on [month] [day]
Dive into the fundamentals of starting, scaling, and sustaining a business, unravel the traits of successful entrepreneurs, and explore the intricacies of identifying and capitalizing on market opportunities. Engage with real-world case studies highlighting innovative entrepreneurial ventures, empowering you to navigate the entrepreneurial landscape with confidence and insight.
What you will learn from the module:
You'll explore the entrepreneurial mindset, strategies for idea generation, business model development, and the significance of adaptability and resilience in entrepreneurial endeavors. By the conclusion, you'll possess the foundational knowledge and tools to embark on entrepreneurial ventures and navigate the challenges of building a successful business.
Applied Business Studies lectures from Industry Leaders
Group work in a community of professionals
Live conference with top managers of world-known brands
Workshops by Brian Tracy and Gennady Polonsky
What the module includes:
Module #12
Workshops by Brian Tracy and Gennady Polonsky
Workshops by Brian Tracy and Gennady Polonsky -
Free of charge if paid on [month] [day]
Workshops by
Brian Tracy and Gennady Polonsky
January, 2025
How to Market and Sell Anything
Module #2
The major reason for business success is invariably the ability of the individual or the owner to sell and deliver the product to the customer in an efficient, cost effective manner. A major reason for business failure is poor marketing, lack of sales ability and lack of momentum in the sales department.
Group assignments
Brian Tracy Workbook
Also In The Module
Brian Tracy Global MasterMind
How To Master Negotiation Skills
Available if paid before [month] [day]
Brian Tracy
Get your Brian Tracy Executive Course Certificate
Be an effective and balanced leader with knowledge of the latest organizational best practices.
Achieve better results using emotional intelligence and staying on top of cutting-edge trends.
Who is it for?
Learn strategic skills that will guide you in creating and motivating goal-oriented teams in achieving great success.
Quality education is considered to be privilege, expensive and limited. NEXT MBA aims to break the barrier, to transform the educational sector one student at a time. Education should be relevant, practical, accessible, convenient and affordable for different managers, entrepreneurs, technologists and marketers. First-class online learning must take place live in order to stay relevant.

NEXT MBA provides accessible, practical and unconventional education from global thought leaders and renowned business professionals.

Our teachers: Philip Kotler, Seth Godin, Brian Tracy, Guy Kawasaki (Chief Evangelist of Canva), Neil Patel (Top Influencer on the web and Top 10 marketer by Forbes), Lars Silberbauer (Global Head of Marketing, Brand & Digital for the Olympics), and other famous experts.
Our customers say Excellent
4.5 out 5
Price change
Until [month] [day] you can buy the course at the Early Bird price with a 75% discount.

Limited offer until [month] [day]:
Participation in Brian Tracy Global Mastermind is available free of charge if you pay before [month] [day].
From [month2] [day2] we will increase the cost for one access to the program.

On the day of the first module, you will be able to buy ticket 2 times more expensive than the standard price.
Buy Executive Course before [month] [day] and get access to the Brian Tracy Global Mastermind!
Once a month, on Saturdays after the module of the main program, a closed group of 1000+ students gathers in zoom together with Brian Tracy, asks him questions and consults. Get access to 12 additional monthly sessions with Brian Tracy.

Get access to a large community of leaders from all over the world!

The offer is limited. Have time to get into Brian Tracy Global Mastermind for free.
Learning Outcomes
Experience the best experts and executives from around the world
  • Learn proper business planning
    Learn proper business planning so that your business runs like clockwork and you enjoy your business.
  • Learn to hire and keep the best professionals
    Hire and retain the best people to achieve great things together.
  • Learn to market and sell anything
    Sell anything. Brian has vast experience in sales and knows how to sell a product from any field.
  • Learn how to cut costs the right way and set the right prices
    Learn how to run a business the right way, cut costs without hurting the company, and learn how to set the right prices.
  • Learn to create bestselling products
    Create products that people have only good things to say about. Products that everyone recommends.
  • Learn 21 secrets to become a sales star
    Learn Brian's closed secrets about selling to maximize your product sales.
  • Increase your profits and maximize your results
    Learn how to increase revenue and business efficiency so that the business brings more profit.
  • Learn 21 great ways to be a excellent manager
    Learn a special management system from Brian Tracy to manage people effectively.
January, 20 at 16:00 (UTC +0)
+ Participation at Early Bird price with a discount 75% (if paid before [month] [day])
+ Participation in Brian Tracy Global Mastermind (12 sessions per year), if paid before [month] [day]
+ Online participation in all modules of first-class training
+ Module recordings in your personal account
+ Personal Certificate of completion of the course
[month] [day]
SAVE $897!
3 Users + 3 FREE*
5 Users + 5 FREE*
10 Users + 10 FREE*
* If paid before [month] [day]
Questions and Answers
© 2020 - 2024 — NEXT MBA
Calle Gregal, 8
Betera, Valencia
Spain 46117

Representative in the US:
405 Kerry Drive
Clearwater, FL. US 33765

Contact email:
The best education is provided by the best teachers. NEXT MBA aims to make high-quality education affordable for everyone across the globe.
Payments accepted
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