Course program
Course program
Torne-se um especialista certificado em tecnologia avançada em IA com especialistas do Google, Meta, Samsung e outros.
Programa educacional mundial
Edward Joseph Snowden é um contratado de inteligência americano e técnico em segurança de redes. Ele trabalhou com a CIA, NSA e como contratado privado para as empresas Dell e Booz Allen Hamilton.
The World's Largest Technology Course
Junte-se a 7.500 das mentes mais brilhantes do mundo em negócios e tecnologia, e descubra e aprenda novos métodos para se manter online. O curso de tecnologia completo o colocará no topo com os principais especialistas e marcas.
módulos incríveis sobre diferentes tecnologias.
países estão ligados ao nosso programa.
estudantes de todo o mundo já se juntaram ao programa.
Meet the main speakers for the course
Jeff Sutherland, um dos co-criadores do Scrum, revolucionou as metodologias de gerenciamento de projetos por meio do Manifesto Ágil. Sua abordagem inovadora transformou a colaboração em equipe e a entrega de projetos.
Como líder de pensamento e autor, Jeff molda o gerenciamento de projetos moderno, capacitando equipes globais com princípios Ágeis e Scrum.
Edward Snowden, um ex-contratado da NSA que se tornou denunciante, provocou debates em todo o mundo sobre privacidade, vigilância e transparência do governo.
Edward Snowden
Rasmus é um veterano experiente da indústria com um impressionante histórico de duas décadas na dinâmica interseção entre tecnologia e criatividade.
Como ex-Líder Criativo da Meta na Dinamarca e Noruega, ele esteve na vanguarda da inovação de ponta, moldando experiências digitais que ressoam com o público em todo o mundo.
Ele continua sendo um defensor proeminente dos direitos de privacidade digital e da responsabilidade do governo, estimulando discussões essenciais sobre essas questões críticas.
Ambreena, uma experiente líder em publicidade digital com 15 anos de experiência, agora lidera o planejamento digital e de mídia na Zurich Insurance.
Ambreena Budaly
Papéis notáveis na Adidas Originals e LEGO incluíram a pioneirismo em colaborações de luxo, entrada no Metaverso e criação de conteúdo estratégico para grandes marcas como Tesco, Pepsi, Unilever e Virgin durante seu tempo em agências.
Arnt Eriksen
Mitch Lowe
Brendan Yam
Ricardo Caetano
Jody Sunna
Alex Hunter
Christian Farioli
Lars Silberbauer
Pedro Fabrebro
Eliuth Andres Triana
Millen Stamatov
Ameed Awad
Deborah Navarro
Ment Kuiper
Markus Sandelin
Hallgeir Gustavsen
Aprenda as tecnologias do futuro em um único curso.
O mundo está mudando tão rapidamente... Mantenha-se especialista aprendendo as tecnologias mais avançadas do mundo para estar à frente e impulsionar seus negócios e avançar em sua carreira. Este é o curso onde você aprenderá tudo sobre a tecnologia atual com os melhores especialistas do mundo.
Internet dos Comportamentos
Inteligência Artificial
Internet das coisas
Explore os módulos
12 tecnologias do futuro — 12 módulos — 12 meses de estudo.

O curso acontece aos sábados, uma vez por mês, com uma transmissão mundial online. Todas as aulas são realizadas ao vivo com a oportunidade de fazer perguntas. Se você perder uma aula, poderá assistir à gravação dela em sua conta pessoal.
8:00 - 12:00 (UTC -4)
New York, USA
13:00 - 17:00 (UTC +1)
London, UK
16:00 - 20:00 (UTC +4)
Dubai, UAE
20:00 - 00:00 (UTC +8)
Next-Generation Project Management
Módulo #1
Junho 22
Participants will explore innovative approaches to project management, diving into new methodologies that redefine traditional project managing. This session aims to demystify these cutting-edge methods, shedding light on their adaptability, collaborative nature, and efficiency enhancements.
Exploring Agile Principles: Delve into the Agile methodology, including frameworks like Scrum, Kanban, and Lean, understanding their iterative, customer-focused approaches and their impact on project efficiency and adaptability.

  • Unveiling Modern Strategies: Discover emerging project management methodologies, uncovering their innovative techniques for handling complexities, embracing change, and ensuring timely project delivery, enhancing productivity and team collaboration.
  • Real-World Application: Explore case studies and practical examples showcasing successful implementations of these new project managing methods across diverse industries, emphasizing their tangible impact on project outcomes and team dynamics.
  • Future of Project Management: Reflect on the future landscape of project management, envisioning how these modern approaches will continue to evolve, shape industry standards, and empower project teams to thrive in dynamic environments.
Atribuições do grupo
Caderno de Trabalho
Internet of Behaviors
Módulo #2
Julho 27
Participants will delve into the intriguing realm of the Internet of Behaviors (IoB), understanding how data-driven insights can shape human behavior and experiences. Practical applications and potential impacts across diverse facets of life will be explored.

  • Understanding IoB: Gain insights into the concept of IoB, comprehending how data-driven insights influence human behavior and decision-making processes.

  • Data-Driven Influence: Explore how IoB utilizes data analytics to influence behavior and experiences, unraveling its potential to enhance various aspects of life, from consumer behavior to public services.

  • Practical Applications: Discover real-world applications of IoB in areas such as healthcare, marketing, smart cities, and more, understanding how data-driven insights bring about behavioral changes and improvements.

  • Impact on Experiences: Delve into the potential impacts of IoB on improving experiences, decision-making, and societal behaviors, fostering discussion on the ethical and privacy considerations surrounding data-driven influences.
Atribuições do grupo
Caderno de Trabalho
Cyber Security
Módulo #3
agosto 24
Participants will dive into the essentials of cyber security, empowering themselves with fundamental knowledge and practical strategies to safeguard against online threats. They'll grasp the importance of protecting personal information and navigating the digital realm securely.

  • Fundamentals of Cyber Security: Understand the core concepts of cyber security, including threats, vulnerabilities, and the importance of protecting sensitive information.

  • Protective Strategies: Discover simple yet effective tips and strategies to enhance online security, safeguarding personal data and mitigating risks in the digital landscape.

  • Securing Personal Information: Learn how to keep personal information safe from cyber threats, recognizing the significance of proactive measures in maintaining online privacy and security.

  • Navigating the Digital Landscape: Gain confidence in navigating the digital world securely by implementing best practices and understanding potential risks and their mitigating measures.
Atribuições do grupo
Caderno de Trabalho
Predictive Analytics
Módulo #4
Participants will explore the realm of predictive analytics, understanding how this powerful tool harnesses data to foresee future trends and make informed decisions. Complex concepts will be simplified to provide a clear understanding of predictive analytics.

  • Introduction to Predictive Analytics: Gain an understanding of predictive analytics and its role in forecasting future trends, decisions, and outcomes by analyzing historical data.

  • Making Informed Decisions: Explore how predictive analytics enables informed decision-making by utilizing data-driven insights, minimizing uncertainties, and identifying potential future scenarios.

  • Simplified Concepts: Break down complex concepts of predictive modeling and algorithms into easily understandable terms, enabling participants to grasp the mechanics behind predictive analytics.

  • Real-World Applications: Dive into real-world examples showcasing the practical applications of predictive analytics across various industries, highlighting its role in optimizing strategies and outcomes.
Atribuições do grupo
Caderno de Trabalho
Internet of Things (IoT)
Módulo #5
outubro 26
Participants will embark on an exploration of the Internet of Things (IoT), uncovering how connected devices are revolutionizing daily life. They'll grasp the potential of IoT in enhancing efficiency, convenience, and connectivity across various domains.

  • Understanding IoT: Comprehend the concept of IoT and how it intertwines interconnected devices, enabling data exchange and automation for improved efficiency.

  • Connected Devices: Explore a myriad of applications for connected devices in smart homes, wearable technology, healthcare, transportation, and beyond, revealing the convenience and innovation brought forth by IoT.

  • Impact on Daily Life: Delve into the impact of IoT on everyday life, discussing how it simplifies tasks, enhances convenience, and creates opportunities for improved decision-making through data analytics.

  • Future Trends and Challenges: Discuss future trends in IoT technology, potential challenges such as security and privacy concerns, and the evolving landscape of IoT-enabled environments.
Atribuições do grupo
Caderno de Trabalho
Datafication, BIG DATA, etc.
Módulo #6
Novembro 23
Participants will embark on an exploration of datafication and Big Data, understanding how the transformation of information into data is reshaping industries and individual decision-making. The session will demystify these concepts and illustrate their impact on businesses and personal lives.

  • Understanding Datafication: Explore the concept of datafication, unraveling how information is converted into data and the far-reaching implications this has across various sectors.

  • Big Data Insights: Dive into the realm of Big Data, comprehending how the collection, storage, and analysis of massive datasets enable businesses and individuals to derive valuable insights.

  • Business and Individual Benefits: Discover how businesses harness Big Data to make informed decisions, optimize strategies, and gain competitive advantages, as well as how individuals benefit from data-driven insights in everyday life.

  • Shaping the Future with Data: Understand the transformative potential of data in shaping the future, emphasizing its role in innovation, problem-solving, and decision-making processes.
Atribuições do grupo
Caderno de Trabalho
Blockchain. Decentralization
Módulo #7
Decembro 28
Participants will delve into the world of blockchain and decentralization, grasping the foundational principles that define blockchain as a distributed ledger technology. They'll understand how decentralization fosters transparency, security, and resilience in systems.

  • Introduction to Blockchain: Comprehend the basics of blockchain as a distributed ledger, understanding its decentralized nature and revolutionary potential.
  • Decentralization's Significance: Explore how decentralization ensures transparency, security, and resilience within systems, emphasizing its crucial role in modern technologies.
  • Real-World Applications: Discover diverse industry applications of blockchain, spanning supply chain management, healthcare, finance, and voting systems, exploring its transformative impact.
  • Security and Future Trends: Uncover the robust security features of blockchain, understand smart contracts, and discuss challenges and future trends shaping blockchain's evolution.
Atribuições do grupo
Caderno de Trabalho
Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality
Módulo #8
Janeiro 25, 2025
Participants will explore the realms of Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR), understanding their distinctions and immersive potential. They'll uncover how these technologies transcend entertainment, impacting education, healthcare, and various industries.

• Understanding VR and AR: Differentiate between VR and AR, understanding how VR creates immersive environments while AR overlays digital content onto the real world.
• Applications Across Industries: Discover how VR and AR revolutionize diverse fields like education, healthcare, gaming, and design, enhancing experiences and learning.
• Technological Insights: Explore the technology driving VR and AR, discussing their potential future developments, challenges, and implications for the future of work and learning.
• Real-World Impact: Engage with real-life examples of VR and AR applications, showcasing their transformative capabilities across industries and everyday life.
Atribuições do grupo
Caderno de Trabalho
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Módulo #9
Fevereiro 21, 2025
Participants will venture into the captivating realm of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML), understanding how these technologies are reshaping industries and driving future innovation. The session will cover the fundamentals of AI and ML, their practical applications, and their potential impact on daily life.

  • Introduction to AI and ML: Explore the basics of AI and ML, unraveling the core principles behind these technologies and understanding how they learn and adapt.

  • Industry Transformations: Discover how AI and ML are revolutionizing various industries, from healthcare and finance to transportation and entertainment, witnessing their transformative impact.

  • Real-World Applications: Explore practical applications of AI and ML, showcasing how these technologies optimize processes, improve decision-making, and enhance user experiences.

  • Impact on Daily Life: Understand how AI and ML can influence daily life, from personalized recommendations and virtual assistants to autonomous vehicles, illustrating their potential impact on individuals and society.
Atribuições do grupo
Caderno de Trabalho
Computing Trends
Módulo #10
Março 28, 2025
Participants will embark on an exploration of the latest computing trends, understanding how technological advancements are reshaping industries and daily life. Complex concepts will be simplified to provide a clear understanding of these transformative trends.

  • Advancements in Technology: Discover the latest trends in computing, including cloud computing, artificial intelligence, edge computing, quantum computing, and more, understanding their impact on various domains.

  • Shaping Our World: Explore how these computing trends shape industries, businesses, and everyday life, illustrating their significance in driving innovation and transforming traditional practices.

  • Simplified Concepts: Delve into complex technological concepts, as the lecture simplifies these intricate ideas, enabling participants to comprehend and appreciate the transformative potential of these trends.

  • Preparing for the Future: Gain insights into how understanding and embracing these computing trends prepares individuals and organizations for the evolving technological landscape, fostering adaptability and readiness for future changes.
Atribuições do grupo
Caderno de Trabalho
Módulo #11
Abril 25, 2025
Participants will immerse themselves in the world of biohacking, exploring how simple interventions and technologies can be harnessed to optimize health and well-being. Practical approaches to enhancing life through biohacking will be presented.

  • Understanding Biohacking: Gain insights into the concept of biohacking, demystifying its principles and understanding how interventions and technologies can optimize health.

  • Optimizing Health and Well-being: Discover practical and accessible ways to enhance health and well-being through biohacking, exploring interventions such as diet, exercise, sleep optimization, and technological aids.

  • Simple Interventions: Explore how seemingly small changes and interventions in lifestyle, habits, and technology can yield significant improvements in overall health and performance.

  • Becoming the Best Version of Yourself: Engage in discussions on how biohacking enables individuals to take control of their health and journey towards becoming the best version of themselves through informed and deliberate interventions.
Atribuições do grupo
Caderno de Trabalho
DevOps Trends
Módulo #12
Maio 23, 2025
Participants will explore the evolving landscape of DevOps trends, understanding how staying updated with new practices and technologies is crucial for maintaining competitiveness in the dynamic software industry.

  • Adapting to Industry Shifts: Comprehend the significance of staying updated with DevOps trends to adapt to changing customer needs, market demands, and technological advancements.

  • Optimizing Processes: Explore how embracing new practices and technologies in DevOps enables organizations to streamline processes, enhancing efficiency and accelerating software delivery without compromising quality.

  • Responding to Changes: Understand the importance of agile responses to market shifts by leveraging DevOps trends, ensuring organizations remain flexible and responsive in meeting evolving demands.

  • Maintaining Competitiveness: Grasp how staying informed about DevOps trends fosters a competitive edge, enabling professionals and organizations to thrive in the rapidly evolving software industry.
Atribuições do grupo
Caderno de Trabalho
Quality education is considered to be privilege, expensive and limited. NEXT MBA aims to break the barrier, to transform the educational sector one student at a time. Education should be relevant, practical, accessible, convenient and affordable for different managers, entrepreneurs, technologists and marketers. First-class online learning must take place live in order to stay relevant.

NEXT MBA provides accessible, practical and unconventional education from global thought leaders and renowned business professionals.

Our teachers: Philip Kotler, Seth Godin, Brian Tracy, Guy Kawasaki (Chief Evangelist of Canva), Neil Patel (Top Influencer on the web and Top 10 marketer by Forbes), Lars Silberbauer (Global Head of Marketing, Brand & Digital for the Olympics), and other famous experts.
Our customers say Excellent
4.5 out 5
Price change
Until [month] [day] you can buy the course at the Early Bird price with a 75% discount.

Limited offer until [month] [day]:
Participation in Brian Tracy Global Mastermind is available free of charge if you pay before [month] [day].
From [month2] [day2] we will increase the cost for one access to the program.

On the day of the first module, you will be able to buy ticket 2 times more expensive than the standard price.
Junho 22, at 12:00 (UTC +0)
+ Participation at Early Bird price with a discount 75% (if paid before [month2] [day2])
+ Participation in Brian Tracy Global Mastermind (12 sessions per year), if paid before [month2] [day2]
+ Online participation in all modules of first-class training
+ Module recordings in your personal account
+ Personal Certificate of completion of the course
[month2] [day2]
SAVE $897!
3 Users + 3 FREE*
* If paid before [month2] [day2]
5 Users + 5 FREE*
10 Users + 10 FREE*
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Calle Gregal, 8
Betera, Valencia
Spain 46117

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The best education is provided by the best teachers. NEXT MBA aims to make high-quality education affordable for everyone across the globe.
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