How to Create Rapid Brand Transformations. Lessons from LEGO, the Olympics, MTV and Nokia
Discover the secrets behind rapid brand transformations from industry leader Lars Silberbauer, who has driven success at global giants like LEGO, MTV, the Olympics, and Nokia. Lars will share proven strategies for revitalizing brands, fostering innovation, and navigating complex markets to achieve extraordinary growth.
lars silberbauer
Buy any NEXT MBA Almaty ticket before [month2] [day2] 2024 and get full access to NEXT MBA
Buy any access to the forum in Almaty and get access to the NEXT MBA platform for 3 months for free.

NEXT MBA speakers are industry giants: Philip Kotler, Seth Godin, Brian Tracy, James Clear (Atomic Habits), Marshall Goldsmith and other professionals from world-renowned companies.

Full access will be available from December 1 through April 12, 2025.
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Schedule of courses
The program includes courses in marketing, leadership and artificial intelligence. Classes are held on a regular basis, allowing students to gain the necessary knowledge and skills without taking time away from their core business. The schedule also includes time for checking and reviewing homework assignments.

Simultaneous interpretation is available on all our courses. You can also ask your personal question and an interpreter will translate it.
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